Driven by Inuinnait youth, with support from Elders, activists, families, and researchers, the Uqarluta Inuinnaqtun project addresses the critical reality that Inuinnaqtun-the foundation of Inuinnait culture-has fewer than 600 fluent speakers remaining. Without sustained, coherent action, this language will be extinct in less than two generations. Uqarluta Inuinnaqtun – Let’s Speak Inuinnaqtun aims to establish a partnership between communities to research, plan, coordinate, execute and evaluate Inuinnaqtun revitalization programming, including a full-time immersion program in each community delivered to youth; a mentor/apprentice program; and an intensive language documentation program. Expected outcomes include more fluent Inuinnaqtun speakers, increased intergenerational connectedness, enhanced cultural knowledge, higher self-esteem, and greater community wellness. The project could be replicated to sustain other critically endangered Inuit dialects in subsequent years.