Sakkijânginnatuk Nunalik: Healthy Homes in Thriving Nunatisavut Communities

Inuit Nunangat, Nunatsiavut
Climate Change, Health & Wellbeing, Science & Traditional Knowledge

Access to culturally suitable and environmentally adapted housing is one of the most important issues facing the northern Labrador Inuit region of Nunatsiavut. A collaboration between the Nunatsiavut Government, Nunatsiavut Joint Management Committee, Nain Research Centre and Memorial University, the SakKijânginnatuk Nunalik: Healthy Homes in Thriving Nunatsiavut Communities project was awarded $350,000 for their plan to build and monitor Nunatsiavut’s first sustainable, multi-unit residential dwelling and establish a prototype for Northern housing development. Drawing on local Inuit knowledge, professional assessments and literature reviews, team members will establish a plan to move beyond efforts to understand the housing situation and work together to address the changing Northern climate, infrastructure requirements and Inuit housing needs and preferences.

(Note that this project was a Finalist prior to 2017, when the current 3-tiered prize model was put in place. Their nomination therefore does not correspond to a particular category.)

Nominator: Udloriak Hanson
Senior Advisor to Executive Council for Aboriginal Issues and Arctic Economic Opportunities, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Isabella Pain (Team Leader), Tony Andersen, Dorothy Angnatok, Trevor Bell, Christina Goldhar, Carla Pamak, Dan Pottle, Tom Sheldon, Darryl Shiwak, Katie Winters


The Paddle
Artist: Ken Anderson