The mental health and wellness crisis that is unfolding across Inuit Nunangat is a well-recognized public health crisis stemming from colonization. Ilitaqsiniq’s Pilimmaksaijuliriniq Project is an Inuit-designed, Inuit-led initiative developed in response to the National Inuit Suicide Prevention Strategy, the Inuusivut Anninaqtuq Nunavut Suicide Prevention Strategy, and the Alianait Inuit Mental Wellness Action Plan. Ilitaqsiniq’s Pilimmaksaijuliriniq Project was awarded $1 million to build additional mental health competencies and Inuit wellness traditional teachings into their programs that will support our community members who deliver community-based programming across Inuit Nunangat. This will support community organizers, community champions, activists and trainers who deliver community-based programming across Inuit Nunangat, with the goals of fostering, protecting and building the resilience of all community members.