Imaa, Like This: Children and Youth Expressing Themselves Through Music

Inuit Nunangat, Nunavut
Arts & Culture, Children & Youth, Education & Learning
$1 Million

The “Imaa, Like This” team took home the $1 million prize for their project inspired by the El Sistema program where positive social change arises through children learning to play music together. This program will operate as a free, intensive daily after-school music program. Sistema shares Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ) principles such as: Tunnganarniq (inclusion), Piliriqatigiingniq (collaboration), and Pilimmaksarniq (developing skills from mentoring and effort). The program will create much needed culturally relevant music education resources for children, and build capacity to increase access to music education opportunities across Nunavut. “Imaa, Like This” will also employ Inuit youth as music instructors, mentor Inuit youth musicians to become community music leaders, and provide professional development opportunities for Nunavut educators and post-secondary students on integrating traditional Inuktut music into their programs.

Check out this project’s impact.

Nominator: Adam Arreak Lightstone
Member, Legislative Assembly of Nunavut
Naiome Eegeesiak and Darlene Nuqingaq (Team Leaders), Alassua Hanson, Natasha Harwood, Valerie Kogvik, Connie Kwon, Nancy Mike, Amber Miners, Mary Piercey-Lewis, David Serkoak, Samuel Tagalik, Laakkuluk Williamson-Bathory


The Raven Creation Story
Artist: Eugene Alfred