The Tetl’it Gwich’in won $95,000 for their plan to host a traditional camp offering young people, elders, and others the opportunity to learn traditional activities. The focus is on human resources and continuity of knowledge: hiring knowledgeable people to teach, and a rotating Tetl’it Gwich’in family in residence seeking to learn and assist around the camp. This project will bring fishing and other traditional activities to the community, and would showcase Gwich’in history. The project will take place on the shores of Teetł’it Gwinjik (the Peel River) at a place known as Happy’s Landing, and will also welcome those from other cultures and regions who can learn from and share in Gwich’in knowledge and culture. The dryfish produced will be shared among camp attendees and also with Gwich’in families and elders in the community who cannot make their own.
Check out this project’s impact.