The Hudson Bay Network

Hudson Bay Network logo
2013, 2014
Inuit Nunangat, Nunavik, Nunavut
Environment, Science

Inuit and Cree communities across Hudson Bay are concerned with increasing changes to sea ice ecosystems resulting from climate change and development. The Arctic Eider Society, partnering with Inuit and Cree community leaders, regional governments and researchers from university and government, are proposing to empower communities to conduct their own environmental research, develop collaborative governance structures and build sustainable solutions for stewardship through a network of community driven research programs. Their knowledge to action plan proposes to produce a cutting-edge Interactive Knowledge Mapping Platform in collaboration with Google Earth to make Traditional Knowledge and near real-time results from community programs accessible to policy makers, communities, students and the public in an easy-to-use online interface.

(Note that this project was a Finalist prior to 2017, when the current 3-tiered prize model was put in place. Their nomination therefore does not correspond to a particular category.)

Nominator: Terry Audla
President, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
Dr. Joel P. Heath, President, The Arctic Eider Society (Team Leader), Lucassie Arragutainaq, Dr. Steven Ferguson, Dr. H. Grant Gilchrist, Dr. Andrew Hamilton, Rita Kanayuk, Zou Zou Kuzyk, Pauloosie Kasudluak, George Lameboy, Daniel Qavvik, Johnny Kudluarok, Zach Nivixie, Susan Woodley