Qikirtajuaq Camp

Inuit Nunangat, Nunavik
Education & Learning, Food security, Revitalization of Language & Culture
$1 Million

Inuit cultural identity and food security is reliant on harvesting and knowledge sharing. Qikirtajuaq (Long Island) is an important traditional beluga hunting area located 88km from Kuujjuarapik, which hosts the James Bay beluga, a stock that is listed as not at risk. This proposed project would host Inuit knowledge sharing camps so that Elders can share knowledge on the environment of Qikirtajuaq as well as on boating safety, wildlife management, respectful harvesting, and safe food preparation. While this camp prioritizes Inuit knowledge sharing to youth, it also provides an opportunity for youth to strengthen their language and to learn survival skills, research techniques, and wildlife monitoring approaches, to understand and appreciate the unique ecosystem and history of Qikirtajuaq.

Nominator: Christine Barnard
Executive Director, ArcticNet
Billy Palliser (Team Leader), Daphne Tooktoo, Jackie Williams, James May, Jeremiah Kumarluk, Jobie Oweetaluktuk, Johnny Kasudluak, Joy Aragootak, Mikhaela Neelin, Raymond Mickpegak, Richard Tookalook, Salamiva Weetaltuk