Honorary Patrons
The Arctic Inspiration Prize is honoured to have support from Honorary Patrons from across the country. Honorary Patrons are northern and southern dignitaries who acknowledge the significant impact made by the Arctic Inspiration Prize (AIP) and its Laureates across the Canadian Arctic. Each Patron, in their own way and as they wish, helps to increase the beneficial outcomes for northern communities.

Kluane Adamek
Yukon Region Chief, Assembly of First Nations, Yukon Region

Susan Aglukark, O.C.
Singer-Songwriter; Founder, Arctic Rose Foundation; AIP Laureate, ᑲᒪᔩᑦ (Kamajiit) Program & Former member, AIP National Selection Committee

Mathieya Alatini
Former Chief, Kluane First Nation; Former member, AIP National Selection Committee & Former member, AIP Regional Selection Committee for Yukon

Michel Allard
Professor Emeritus, Université Laval; Former member, AIP National Selection Committee

Hon. Margaret Dawn Anderson

Jason Annahatak
Business Development Associate, Makivik Corporation; Former Trustee, Nunavik, AIP Charitable Trust

Alicia Aragutak
Corporate Secretary, Makivik Corporation; Former member, AIP National Selection Committee & Former member, AIP Regional Selection Committee for Inuit Nunangat

Ben Asquith
Chief Executive Officer, Da Daghay Development Corporation

Hon. Larry Bagnell
Former Member of Parliament for Yukon

Patti Balsillie
Founder, Patti Balsillie Management Consulting; Former Chair, AIP Charitable Trust

Karen Barnes
President Emeritus, Yukon University (Retired 2020)

Darrell Beaulieu
President and CEO, Denendeh Development Corporation; Former member, AIP Regional Selection Committee for the NWT

Jacqueline Bedard
Executive Director, External and Government Relations, Yukon University; Former member, AIP Regional Selection Committee for Yukon

Angelique Bernard
Former Commissioner of Yukon

Katie Blasco

Glen Brocklebank
Director, The Qajaq Program; Former Trustee, Laureates, AIP Charitable Trust

Tim Brodhead
Former Trustee, Philanthropy, AIP Charitable Trust

Nellie J. Cournoyea
Former Chair, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation & Former Premier of the Northwest Territories; Former member, AIP National Selection Committee & Former member, AIP Regional Selection Committee for Inuit Nunangat

Hon. J. Michel Doyon
Lieutenant Governor of Québec

Maggie Emudluk
Former Trustee, Nunavik, AIP Charitable Trust

Roy Erasmus Jr.
Former Trustee, Northwest Territories, AIP Charitable Trust

Martin Fortier
Former Trustee, Science, AIP Charitable Trust & Former and founding member, AIP National Selection Committee

Victoria Fred
Lawyer; Former Trustee, Yukon, AIP Charitable Trust

Erin Freeland Ballantyne
Rhodes scholar and founder of Dechinta: Bush University Centre for Research and Learning; Former member, AIP National Selection Committee

Leela Gilday
Singer/Songwriter; Former member, AIP National Selection Committee & AIP Regional Selection Committee for the NWT

Judy Gingell
Elder, Kwanlin Dün First Nation

Dominique Girard
Senior Vice-President, Operations – Canada and Europe, Agnico Eagle; Former member, AIP National Selection Committee

Pierre Gratton
President, The Mining Association of Canada; Former Trustee, Industry, AIP Charitable Trust

Dr. Peter Harrison, CM
Professor Emeritus, School of Policy Studies, Queen's University & Chair, Governing Council, Ocean Tracking Network, Dalhousie University; Former and founding member, AIP National Selection Committee

Rod Hick
President and CEO, Atuqtuarvik Corporation; Former member, AIP Regional Selection Committee for Inuit Nunangat

The Right Honourable David Johnston
28th Governor General of Canada (2010-2017); Former member, AIP National Selection Committee

Yvonne Jones
Member of Parliament for Labrador

Kyla Kakfwi-Scott
Senior Advisor, Government of the Northwest Territories; Former Trustee, Northwest Territories, AIP Charitable Trust; Former and founding member, AIP National Selection Committee

Lucy Kuptana
Former Trustee, Inuvialuit Settlement Region, AIP Charitable Trust; MLA Nunakput, Northwest Territories; Minister Responsible for Housing Northwest Territories; Minister Responsible for the Status of Women

Nellie T. Kusugak
Former Commissioner of Nunavut

Sarah Leo
Chief Operating Officer, Nunatsiavut Group of Companies; Former Trustee, Nunatsiavut, AIP Charitable Trust & Former member, AIP National Selection Committee

Peter Mansbridge, O.C.
Journalist, author, documentary filmmaker; Former member, AIP National Selection Committee

Michael V. McLeod
Member of Parliament for the Northwest Territories

Steven Nitah
Negotiator, Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation; AIP Laureate, Thaidene Nene Initiative; Former member, Regional Selection Committee for the NWT

Natan Obed
President, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami

Tom Paddon
Chairman, Baffinland Iron Mine Corporation; Former and founding member, AIP National Selection Committee

Sophie Pamak
Home Care Nurse, Department of Health and Social Development, Nunatsiavut Government; Former Trustee, Nunatsiavut, AIP Charitable Trust

Jordan Peterson
Former elected Deputy Grand Chief for Gwich'in Tribal Council; Former member, Regional Selection Committee for the NWT

Caroline Sparks
Consultant, C. Sparks Consulting; AIP Laureate, Tri-Territorial Recreation Training Project (Recreation North); Former member, AIP Regional Selection Committee for Yukon

Hon. Margaret Thom
Commissioner of the Northwest Territories

Hannah Uniuqsaraq
Former Chair and Trustee for Nunavut, AIP Charitable Trust

Sheila Watt-Cloutier, O.C.
Former Corporate Secretary, Makivik Corporation; Former President, ICC Canada; Former Chair, ICC International; Keynote Speaker; Author of "The Right to Be Cold" & Former member, AIP National Selection Committee

Hon. Adeline Webber
Commissioner of Yukon

Davida Wood
Consultant & Founding Partner, inspire.reconciliation.potential