Call for nominations now open with approximately $3 million awarded across three prize categories
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Arctic Inspiration Prize (AIP). And nominations are now being accepted for the 2021 prize with, up to 10 teams able to win prize money to help them launch initiatives that will bring about the changes they want to see in their communities.
“Over the past 10 years the AIP has helped 42 Laureate teams realize their dreams and enabled their projects to come to life,” says Hannah Uniuqsaraq, Chair, AIP Charitable Trust. “I am very excited to see what creative and innovative projects my fellow Northerners can come up with in this very special anniversary year. I’m especially eager to see what our young people can do, and I challenge youth from across the North, in communities big and small, to seize this opportunity to make your dreams come true.”
Nomination details: Teams can be nominated in one of three categories: one exceptional team can win $1 million, up to four teams can win up to $500,000 each, and up to seven youth teams can win up to $100,000 each. The Youth prize category seeks to inspire the next generations of northern innovators to develop projects that address issues and opportunities relevant to them. Nominations will be accepted until October 13, 2021.
Potential projects can address any opportunities or challenges that are of importance to our communities across the Canadian Arctic. A project can have one or more focus areas such as, but not limited to: education, training, health and wellness, environment and climate change, recreation, tourism, culture, language and economic development.
New this year: To make the prize more accessible to young people across the North, the AIP will be accepting video submissions for the youth prize category.
More information on the AIP: Last year, and for the first time ever, more than $3 million was shared among seven northern teams for their innovative plans to inspire change and improve the lives of people living in their communities. The $1 million prize went to “Imaa, Like This”: Children and Youth Expressing Themselves Through Music for their project focused on teaching Inuit children music, employing Inuit youth as music instructors, mentoring Inuit youth musicians to become community music leaders, and providing professional development opportunities for Nunavut educators and post-secondary students on integrating traditional Inuktut music into their programs. In addition, four prizes were awarded in the AIP category that awards up to $500,000; and two teams received funds for their projects in the Youth category that awards up to $100,000.
The submission deadline for the Letter of Intent is September 7, 2021.
More information about the AIP, past Laureates, and the nomination process is available on the AIP website (
About the AIP
As the largest annual prize in Canada, the Arctic Inspiration Prize (AIP) encourages, enables and celebrates the inspiring achievements of the people of the North. The AIP recognizes diverse teams and enables their innovative projects in the fields of education, sustainable housing, health, performing arts, traditional knowledge, language, and science. Each year, the AIP awards: one $1 million prize, up to four prizes of up to $500,000 each, and up to seven youth prizes of up to $100,000 each. The AIP is owned and governed by the northern-led AIP Charitable Trust and is a community of Indigenous organizations, governments, industry, philanthropy, and many other partners from the North and South.
For further information, please contact:
Allison MacLachlan
(613) 316-3473©[email protected]