Des artistes de tout le Nord se joignent à la célébration des finalistes et lauréat.e.s du PIA de cette année.
21 décembre 2022 – Chaque année, le Prix Inspiration Arctique célèbre les réalisations du Nord lors d’une cérémonie de remise de prix qui met en vedette finalistes et lauréat.e.s du PIA, ainsi que des performances d’artistes de tout le Nord. La cérémonie de cette année marque le retour à une célébration en direct et en personne, en partenariat avec la Vitrine commerciale et culturelle de Northern Lights.
11e cérémonie annuelle de remise des prix
8 février 2023
Ouverture des portes à 17h
Centre Shaw, Ottawa
Les billets incluent la réception de bienvenue : Vitrine commerciale et Culturelle de Northern Lights
La cérémonie de cette année sera animée par les artistes et interprètes du Nord Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory et Andrea Brazeau. « Nous sommes ravis que Laakkuluk et Andrea animent le spectacle de cette année », a déclaré Wally Schumann, président de la fiducie de bienfaisance du Prix Inspiration Arctique. « Tous deux ont assumé les fonctions d’hôtes de façon virtuelle, et nous sommes ravis de les voir se réunir en personne pour le spectacle de cette année. »
Avec Leela Gilday à nouveau à la tête de la direction artistique, la cérémonie de remise des prix PIA promet d’être une célébration panarctique ambitieuse qui mettra en vedette trois performances incroyables d’artistes du Nord :
Vision Quest – Nick Johnson and Yudii Mercredi are a dynamic contemporary hip-hop duo. from Whitehorse, Yukon. They have roots in Gwich’in (Mercredi) and Southern Tutchone (Johnson) communities. Their powerful music focuses on shared social, political and economic issues facing Indigenous people across the world, and resilience above all.
Beatrice Deer – Acclaimed “Inuindie” pop star Beatrice Deer is a singer-songwriter based in Montreal singer-songwriter. Half Inuk and half Mohawk, Beatrice was born and raised in Nunavik, Quebec, in the small village of Quaqtaq. She has released six studio albums, including her newest, titled SHIFTING. Her award-winning songs are crafted upon deeply personal lyrics and blend indie rock and modern folk with traditional Inuit stories and throat singing. A role model to her community and a stalwart advocate for mental health, Beatrice feels strongly that each of us, no matter what we’ve been through, has the ability to transform our personal outlook. Her message, whether shared in song or at speaking engagements, comes from her own lived experience of overcoming countless obstacles.
Terry Uyarak – A self-taught singer/songwriter and musician from Igloolik, Nunavut whose songwriting reflects his experiences as a husband, father and hunter. His Inuit language and culture are strongly embedded into his everyday life, and there’s a strong sense of community that resounds in his music. Terry’s Juno-nominated debut album “Nunarjua Isulinginniani” carefully weaves together storytelling, soundscape and song to carry each listener on a journey, by dog team, to the ends of the word. He will be performing with his stellar band.
“The projects and the Laureates of the AIP have always celebrated community relationships and activities, and have always acknowledged the powerful connection of northerners to the land and water. This year the theme of the AIP musical presentations will celebrate walking lightly on the earth and leaving our mark on each other,” said Leela Gilday, celebrated musician, songwriter, singer, guitarist, composer, creator and AIP Artistic Director.
Enfin, chaque équipe gagnante recevra une œuvre d’art originale représentant les thèmes des équipes lauréates. Chacune des pièces de cette année a été créée par un.e lauréat.e ou finaliste du PIA.
Des photos des hôtes et des artistes-interprètes sont disponibles ici.
About the AIP
As the largest annual prize in Canada, the Arctic Inspiration Prize (AIP) inspires, enables and celebrates the achievements of the people of the North. The AIP recognizes diverse teams and enables their innovative projects in the fields of education, sustainable housing, health, performing arts, traditional knowledge, language, and science. Each year, the AIP awards: one $1 million prize, up to four prizes of up to $500,000 each, and up to seven youth prizes of up to $100,000 each. The AIP is owned and governed by the northern-led AIP Charitable Trust and is a community of Indigenous organizations, governments, industry, philanthropy, and many other partners from the North and South.
For further information, please contact:
Allison MacLachlan
(613) 316-3473©
Twitter: @ArcticPrize
Facebook: /ArcticPrize
Instagram: @ArcticInspirationPrize